
Our customers often struggle with issues related to data, security, scale and persistence. We work with our customers as partners to ensure our Solutions truly address customer issues. We stick around to ensure that all loose ends are tied. Our Solutions provide improvements in aggregation, assessment, adaptation and analysis. The end result is users who are more engaged in their learning, with increased performance.

Leverage is a highly scalable "big data" platform for acquiring granular data based on a user's interaction with any digital application. Whether the virtual experience of the application is an adaptive learning program, a game, a simulation, or an informational web site, Leverage applies the power and scale of cloud computing to create meaning from user data via high-resolution data capture, automated analyses and responsive deployment of digital resources. All in real time.


Leverage Assesment Badge Platform™

The Leverage Assessment Badge Platform™ (L.A.B.) is an assessment and feedback middleware solution provided by Pragmatic. Created in the spirit of and in compliance with the Mozilla Open Badge Infrastructure (OBI), Pragmatic's tools help educational institutions and training service providers assess what learners know, track their performance over time, and recognize their accomplishments in ways that are pedagogically sound and technologically secure. By learning and earning through LAB, a learner can clearly see their Personalized Learning Path™ and receive recognition for the benchmarks they reach and the goals they achieve. In Pragmatic's LAB, institutions define rules to issue badges, LAB collects and analyzes data and awards badges, and learners succeed.


What We've Been Doing

Our customers often struggle with issues related to data, security, scale and persistence. We work with our customers as partners to ensure our Solutions truly address customer issues. We stick around to ensure that all loose ends are tied. Our Solutions provide improvements in aggregation, assessment, adaptation and analysis. The end result is users who are more engaged in their learning, with increased performance.